Meet the Artists

Jhosep JBo

Jhosep Bocanegra - J Bo is orginally from Colombia, grew up in the Netherlands and currently living in the breathtaking beauty of Mallorca. 

His artistic journey began with a big fascination for Anime manga during his younger years. Intrigued by the characters he started sketching them himself. He couldn´t capture the essence of this favorite characters, but he didn´t give up and kept on practicing. Slowly he saw a transformation of his art, started to participate in competitions and even won some of them.

He wanted to develop himself more by following an art or graphic school, but he got refused, because his level of Dutch and English. He was disappointed about the rejections, but it didn´t make him stop continue being creative and express himself through art. He truly believes that hard work and self-belief can conquer any obstacles.

For him, his art is not just creation; it's a sanctuary of peace and liberty. He likes to be in his art studio - a place where this imagination takes flight.

Inspired by great artists like Vincent van Gogh and Andy Warhol he recognise their humble beginnings. 

JBO loves to experiment with various techniques and materials. 

Now he is ready to completely reveal his personal world through his art. He wants his art to breathe different emotions, but he also likes to express different themes - love, anger, passion, sadness, religion, sensuality, and happiness - that are important to him.

Mima Yazmin

Yazmin (1965), at the age of 50, discovered her passion for stone sculptures. Her work beautifully showcases a wide diversity of themes that are important to her, like family, love, freedom and making choices. We are very proud we can present you her stone sculptures on our website. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or are interested in one of her stone sculptures. 

Siedse Jan

Siedse Jan (1980) loves to make pictures with his iPhone and Sony A7III while he is traveling., but also in his daily life. Different topics catch his eye like local people, beautiful landscapes and architecture.  

We are very proud we can present you his photographs on our website. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or are interested in one of his photo works.